Sunday School for Juniors (Grades 4 to 7) is a great experience for older kids to learn the Bible and develop a love for it at an age where the scriptures can begin to have a powerful impact on their lives. Kids at this age find themselves thrust into a very influential peer group, and not all of those influences are beneficial. Bible teaching for this age level will attempt to establish a firm spiritual foundation for living in a world filled with temptations and secular thinking.
Trusting in God takes a lifetime of trial and error. Having strong spiritual anchors based on the Word of God can help kids navigate the obstacle course of life to avoid the pitfalls that can distract them from reaching their goal to become persons of good character. Not a laudry list of dos and don'ts, but a course of learning that produces clear thinking, good morals and a true understanding of the Gospel.
Teaching will focus on God's Plan of Salvation through Jesus Christ. New students might not yet know Jesus as their personal savior. Lessons will help guide them to an understanding of salvation with an opportunity to make their own free will decision to follow Christ for the rest of their lives.
As teachers, we desire to help you build the spiritual lives of your sons and daughters. Let's work together to reach his goal! We look forward to meeting you here at Landmark Baptist Church.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6